About Us

Australias’s largest not for profit pharmacist only based co-operative.
Atherton Pharmaceuticals is a co-operative owned by pharmacists members.

It has been running for over 30years and had been providing its members with the ability to buy ethicals, otc’s and generics at the best price with single purchases.

Atherton is a non-profit organisation and all profits are distributed to Class A members.

Atherton is a co-operative, owned by the member pharmacists.

Atherton is governed by a board of eight directors, four of which are elected every two years at the annual general meeting.

Atherton is run out of a warehouse in Coopers Plains, Brisbane.

The warehouse is run by a warehouse manager and five staff.

Atherton members are able to buy single unit items of both ethical and otc products at the top deal price.

These items are normally only available at these prices with bulk purchases.

Atherton does the buy for you so you don’t have to be overloaded with excess stock.Atherton is owned by its pharmacy members.

Atherton offers a free three month trial